Hey all. I wanted to take a few moments to weigh in on the Jon and Kate hysteria that seems to be sweeping the country. If nobody knows what I'm talking about. Here's a little background. There's this couple Jon and Kate. They have 8 kids. 6 of them are sextuplets. Hilarity ensues.
What's interesting to note, is that nothing about this is interesting to note. It's the kind of drivel that encompasses our TV every night. The basic plot of the show goes like this:
Kate: Kids, lets all do an activity.
8 Kids: Yay!
Jon: I hate my life.
I'm pretty sure that conversation happens every show. How somebody can be famous for having a bunch of kids, I'll never know? I guess the population is infatuated by a little something out of the norm (I guess that's why the little people midget show is so popular). Nothing really at all goes on, except for lots of arguing and children's activities...Riveting TV right there.
But I wanted to get to something that's disconcerning to me as a man, a citizen of this country, and a television viewer. I'll just put it all out there. Kate is kind of a bitch.
Ok now, I'm not there day in and day out. I don't know all of the particulars, but from what I can tell, Kate is just a downright, run of the mill, blonde bitch. It's something I've been contemplating for days now. But lets look at the facts. Once she got famous for popping out a bunch of kids, she decided to turn her body into a plastic sack of womanly toys. Which is all fine and dandy, but there's no need for the attitude. Everybody knows you're now relatively hot now. We don't have to talk about it like you're the next Marilyn Monroe! Which brings me to my next point.
It seems as though her new attitude as given her a license to treat Jon like crap. Jon didn't ask for this. I'm very empathetic to his situation. He was just chugging along in life, suddenly his wife takes a couple of fertility pills and he's suddenly thrusted onto the national scene. Hey listen, $75K and episode would effect anyone! But I truly feel that he's grounded in ways that she's not. He knows his roots and seems like an all-around ok dude. She's hell on two plastic legs.
So now it appears that the two are splitting up. I wouldn't put it past the TV Illuminati that this is just some sort of deceptive move among the powers at be at TLC that this is some kind of hoax to build ratings. But even if it was. I wouldn't blame him if he did take off and bolt. His life turned from average middle class, to 8 kids and a bitchy wife, to paparazzi. No one at all would blame him for getting out of all of that. Of course, I'd hate to pay the child support for 8 kids.
I think the bigger issue here is attitude change by Kate. Once she got hot, she changed. It's not unlike alot of situations out there where the fat girl turns hot and suddenly she obtains an attitude. But just once in this god forsaken world we live in, I'd like to watch something where the woman remains true to herself. Where she's the same person to the end....Kinda like Pam from The Office. At least some of that is improv. Right?
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